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Game research Idea ( NEW)

After realising that I did not have enough time to create the frog game that I wanted to I have decided to change my game, after doing some research I realise I want to do a pirate game. I am still in the process of planning the game but these are my ideas so far:

Main Character 
The main character of my blog will be Pete the Pirate. He will be a Pirate who is looking for gold coins.

The goal in the game will be to try collect as many coins as possible by following the guide lines given on a map. The guidelines will rhyme and will give clues to where the coins are.

Rotation system 
Pete the Pirate will be able to move varying on what buttons to press. He will be able to move in different directions.

I'm not sure if Pete the Pirate will have an enemy yet I was thinking of a shark but I want to research more.


  1. Hey Chloe, I think this new idea is a great idea! It would be nice to see what it would look like visually. Maybe try including some inspiration pictures of pirate games or even what the character could look like. I think this is the making for a really fun game! I like your idea of following a map in ordered to retrieve coins for the player, this adds a lot of dept into the story aspect of your game. I like the idea of an enemy to add some challenge to the game. Is the player going to be timed when collecting the coins? Or is this something you would like to consider when your making your game. I think this could a some challenge to your game without the effort of creating an enemy. Keep up to good work!

  2. Hey Chloe,
    I really like the sound of this game. it will be really entertaining and a fun simple game to play which are the bet types of games in my opinion. I love the idea of maybe having the enemy be a shark you would be able to find lots of sharks already made in the asset store on unity they would be cool to add into your game, you could probably find a ship as well to add in too. Is the game going to be timed at all, if you are doing it in the style of a cosy type of game you could leave out the timer and just make it a laid back game. The coins are a good idea you could even make some gems and make them different colours like making one green and you could say its an emerald and the player earns extra points. I really like the sound of your game keep up the great work :)


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