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Comments and Feedback Week 8

Overall I have not received much feedback on comments on my blogs, I wish people would write more on my blogs and give their opinions on my game ideas and my thoughts on readings. Although I have not received much feedback I still have some.
Stephaine commented on my blog and said she liked the idea of my game and thought that it would be very well. She asked me am I going to make levels or make it endless. For my game I am thinking of making it in levels, so when you collect a certain amount of coins you move onto the next level. I thought about making it endless like the game flappy bird or temple run.
But then I realised that it might be a bit boring so hopefully my idea of making it in levels will add excitement and determination to move onto the next level.
I want to make levels harder to cause frustration in players making them want to move onto the next level more and more. I also thought about not making it about levels but making the game about trying to beat your high score. I didn't realise I had this many options until I researched different types of games.

Unfortunately I never did a blog post on my introduction so I could not read over it with fresh eyes, I really regret doing this as I regret not doing many of the blogs.
I really need to make a timetable and a list of all the things I need to catch up on and how long I have to do them. I want to make an estimation of how long I think this will take me, I want to catch up as soon as possible so I can focus mainly on creating my game. I still have a lot of research for my game  and hope I can decide quickly on the route I want my game to go in.

I thought this image was appropriate as I am feeling really stressed at the moment but I know all the stress will be worth it when I hopefully move onto semester 2.


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