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Showing posts from November, 2018

Week 8 : Progress

Honestly I think I have progressed a lot in the past 2 weeks in this module. I am happy with the work I am doing but I know that I need to do even more because I am really behind. I have put in a lot of effort to this module and have been watching unity tutorials every night to try get a better understanding of how to use unity and how to go about creating my game, I am unfortuntely a really slow learner with Unity so I have to watch every video a few times to fully understand it. I have also been making notes on each unity tutorial so I can look over how to fix something in my game without having to rewatch a tutorial. I have a lot more unity tutorials but I am confident I will finish them in time. I will just have to do a few all nighters but if thats what it takes then I will do it!! I also have been set back a good bit unfortunately with the fact that I have to change my game due to not have enough time to create the Freddie the frog game. Although I am disappointed with not bei...

Comments and Feedback Week 8

Overall I have not received much feedback on comments on my blogs, I wish people would write more on my blogs and give their opinions on my game ideas and my thoughts on readings. Although I have not received much feedback I still have some. Stephaine commented on my blog and said she liked the idea of my game and thought that it would be very well. She asked me am I going to make levels or make it endless. For my game I am thinking of making it in levels, so when you collect a certain amount of coins you move onto the next level. I thought about making it endless like the game flappy bird or temple run. But then I realised that it might be a bit boring so hopefully my idea of making it in levels will add excitement and determination to move onto the next level. I want to make levels harder to cause frustration in players making them want to move onto the next level more and more. I also thought about not making it about levels but making the game about trying to beat your high scor...

Game research Idea ( NEW)

After realising that I did not have enough time to create the frog game that I wanted to I have decided to change my game, after doing some research I realise I want to do a pirate game. I am still in the process of planning the game but these are my ideas so far: Main Character  The main character of my blog will be Pete the Pirate. He will be a Pirate who is looking for gold coins. Goals The goal in the game will be to try collect as many coins as possible by following the guide lines given on a map. The guidelines will rhyme and will give clues to where the coins are. Rotation system  Pete the Pirate will be able to move varying on what buttons to press. He will be able to move in different directions. Enemy  I'm not sure if Pete the Pirate will have an enemy yet I was thinking of a shark but I want to research more.

Week 8 Reading

After briefly reading over my blog posts about my previous readings I think one of my favourite readings was the article called "Don't be a Vidiot" by Greg Crosiykyan,  I liked this blog post because the language was really simple and easy to understand, it was the first of the readings that got me to understand more about this course and what the content of a game should be. He explained how most games should have a main character, a goal , a enemy and a conflict. He also went on to explain some useful tips on first time game makers. After reading this article I realised that I should focus more on game play not the appearance or the story game.  Later in the article he goes onto explain how you can do almost anything with software. With software you can develop it and define it. Similar with games there is a crazy amount of different types of games. He uses the term "There is an entire universe of weird and wonderful gaming styles." This is why this is my fa...

Reading Week 7

This weeks reading was very interesting I liked the article on a formal approach to game design and game research by Robin Hunicke and Marc LeBlanc. In the introduction he goes on to explain how all artefacts are created within some methodology. When I first read this I was very confused as I had no idea what the word "methodology" meant. After researching I found out that methodology is a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity. He then explain how important it is when working with video games to approaching the task from both perspectives so you can consider a wide range of possibilities. He then went onto explain about MDA. MDA is Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics. Games are created by designer/teams of developers and consumed my players. He then explains how they are then purchased and eventually cast away like most other consumable goods. I never really thought about games like that and it was interesting to get a different perspective.  It too...

Vision statement

Introduction: Leaping lily pod is a game where Freddie the frog has to leap from different keypads to cross the stream Description: My game would be a action-adventure game. The main character of my game will be Freddie the frog. The main goal of the game will be to avoid falling into the stream and and landing on the lily pads. Other goal will be to catch flies with its tongue. I am thinking about having my game as though the eyes of Freddie the Frog but have not fully decided yet. The genre of my game is a platform game. Inspiration for Freddie the Frog: Game play: game play is the features of a video game like the how it is played, graphics and sounds My game will be set in a sort of lake/ stream in a forrest. The main character will be Freddie the frog. He will have to leap from one lily pad to the next to cross the stream. The game will continue to go harder when the lily pads grow smaller making it diff...

Game Research Idea

In my brainstorm for game ideas I explained my three game ideas that I could create for my project. The idea that I have thought is best to go forward with is the Frog jumping game. The frog jumping game is the game I am most interested in making. The main charcter in my hame is Freddie the frog. He is on a lily pad and is jumping from one to the other. He needs as much energy as he can as he has a long journey ahead, so he must try collect as many flies he can wit his tongue. If he falls into the water he will die as the water is dirty with disease (water will appear brown and dirty in the game). as the game goes on it will become harder as the lily pads will get smaller in size making it harder to land on. The current from the water will also make the lily pads move back and forward. I think from watching the unity tutorials I will be able to make this game successfully. Possible game mechanics: 1.   The main character-  The main character in my game will be Freddie the...