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Unity tutorial one

First Youtube tutorial:
For this tutorial I was explained how to download and start up the Unity Software by Jimmy Vegas. I found this part really easy and explained well. He started going through the basic guidelines on Unity and how to start up a new project. I was able to follow his instructions clearly and found his guidelines easy to follow. Then he started explaining how to add a basic 3D shape like a sphere or cube into the game, I was able to add shapes into the game no problem. I then was shown to add a terain and change it around like its shape, size and height.This ere I started to get confused but after trying it a few times and looking up information on other sites I got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Second Youtube tutorial:
For this tutorial I was explained on how to apply textures. He explained how to download and install the textures needed into Unity. I then applied them to try create a mountain in my game. This part I was really confused by and will try get help from someone in the labs next week. I tried my best follow his instructions but struggled to keep up with him. I am going to try again tonight to see if I can get better at Unity. I really hope the hang of this new software soon as I am scared I will fall behind not knowing what to do.



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