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Favourite Game (week 1)

My faveourite game is Super Mario Bros on Wii. I have been playing Mario since I was really young. I love how you can pick different characters to play like Mario, Luigi or Yoshi. I love all of the sounds added to this game like the noise when Mario dies and the game restarts or when Mario gets coins it adds a real fun aspect to the game. I love how every level has a different theme like level 7 is a snow theme and level 8 is a halloween theme.

I got this Image using Creative Commons
Image result for mariohammy


  1. Hi Chloe, Yep thats a great game- can I suggest having a look at the link below with regards on how to add a caption

    and here for adding labels

  2. Hey Chloe!
    Throwback to mario eh? If all else fails you always have classic mario to fall in love with. All joking aside, I love your passion and inspiration you get from playing mario and I hope you can use some of its concepts to help with your game development in the future!


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