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Showing posts from October, 2018

New blogger template!! (tech task)

I decided to change the template of my blog as I feel like this one suits my blog better. I have wanted to change my blog template for awhile now but could not find a template that suited me! As soon as I seen this template I knew straight away it was the one for me!! :)

Reading Week 5 (Games DD)

I found this week reading very interesting. I was particularly interested in Greg Aleknevicus post about Design Considerations. I liked the part of this reading about using shape and colour to distingush pieces. I never really thought about how much difference it can make to a game by using different shapes in addition to colour to distinguish the players amoebae. I also liked the where Greg explains how its good to use different components for different functions. An example of this is how Monopoly money is different from the property cards so players do not get confused between it is obvious they are used for different things. I thought it was a good point  of how it is frustrating when someone loses a part of their game and then is unable to play the game, so it is a good idea to add extra parts or cards with the game incase one is lost. I found this weeks reading really interesting.  

Game Ideas

To be honest I really struggled to come up with a game idea as I do not play that much games and do not have much experience with different games. First idea: My first idea I am thinking of doing a game where there is a frog jumping from a lily pad. At the start of the game it will be easy enough just making the frog jump but as the game goes on it gets harder as there is more space between the lily pads to get extra points or lives the frog will try and catch flies. it will get harder than and the lily pads will be moving. Second idea: My second idea would be very similar to the game of Mario where a man is trying to save a princess but instead I would reverse the roles and have the princess saving the man. She would have to jump over enemies and run from gun shots to try save the man that has been kidnapped Third idea: My third idea would be a car racing game where someone would be in a car trying to escape a bank robbery. They are speeding away from the police and trying to...

Unity tutorial one

First Youtube tutorial: For this tutorial I was explained how to download and start up the Unity Software by Jimmy Vegas. I found this part really easy and explained well. He started going through the basic guidelines on Unity and how to start up a new project. I was able to follow his instructions clearly and found his guidelines easy to follow. Then he started explaining how to add a basic 3D shape like a sphere or cube into the game, I was able to add shapes into the game no problem. I then was shown to add a terain and change it around like its shape, size and height.This ere I started to get confused but after trying it a few times and looking up information on other sites I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Second Youtube tutorial: For this tutorial I was explained on how to apply textures. He explained how to download and install the textures needed into Unity. I then applied them to try create a mountain in my game. This part I was really confused by and will try get help...

Game Design Reading Week 2

  Designing games by Tynan Sylvester After completing the reading assigned to us for Week 2 I have learnt a lot of new things I did not know before.  When I read the first piece we were given "Don't be a Vididiot"by Greg Crositkyan . He explained gaming in a really simple way which I liked as I am not very familiar of the different types of games. He explained how a game is a play activity with rules that involves a conflict.  Then I read another post called "The essence of Eurostyle gaming" by  Lewis Pulsipher  , . Before reading this I had never even heard of a "eurostyle" game. I then read the post and got a better understand of what makes a game a eurostyle game.  Euro games have great visual interest, simple rules, no player elimination and the game does not take more than an hour to play. Reading this article gave me a better understanding of different ga...